Series that Match Lectionary Year A

"The Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor... to proclaim liberty to the captives."
Isaiah 61:1

Here you will find Sermon Series overviews: they match the church year, include a title for the series, and for each sermon in it, with extensive notes on the themes for each week, comments on the matching scriptures from the three-year lectionary (mostly the Gospels), and with helpful suggested life-application points for each sermon.

All sermon series overviews are delivered via digital download after purchase. When payment is completed you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the product document. Each is provided in Microsoft Word’s Doc or Docx format.

Series that Match Lectionary Year A

ADVENT/CHRISTMAS: “Sing to the Lord a New Song”

The series planned for Advent and Christmas I’m calling “Sing to the Lord a New Song!” The unique feature in it will be the focus each week on a universally known Carol for the season. The preacher can look for creative connections between the Carol and the Gospel, as well as with the other readings for the day. They are the texts, but the Carol is the prime illustration and can be reflected back into the texts as well. This popular series comes with nearly complete sermons as notes.

Sneak Peek

4 Advent
3 Christmas



EPIPHANY: “Soul Odyssey”

‘Odyssey’ means “a long and adventurous journey.” As we enter a new year, we reflect on the nature and meaning of our odyssey. This sermon series called Soul Odyssey will view life as a journey of the soul (the spiritual person) traveling through this life. Life is not an accident. While we are physical and emotional beings, we are also spiritual beings, all children of the heavenly Father, who placed us on earth in a particular time and place, with a family, a race, and a country; and has called us to live life as God’s own ‘beloved,’ learning to trust grace, discover the gifts we’ve been given for our life-mission, which we discern along the way, and then live by grace till our dying breath, when our life in the crucified and risen Christ travels on into an eternity planned for us from before time. This 9 week series comes with extensive notes.

Sneak Peek

9 weeks



LENT: “Your Best Discipleship”

One of the great books of all time is Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s The Cost of Discipleship. It’s a challenging book that can’t be read without experiencing some kind of holy discontent. Lent is traditionally a time for self-evaluation. This six week lenten series will take the preacher and listener on a quest for authentic discipleship. As always, any attempts to live our best Christian life for Christ will flow out of the sheer grace we receive fully and freely in him. But, as Bonhoeffer made clear, this grace is not cheap. It cost the life of God’s Son. And so the undeserved nature of this high-priced gift deserves our very best responses. What does it mean to be a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ? This series prays for God’s grace to inspire in everyone their best discipleship.

Sneak Peek

6 weeks



EASTER: “Rebuilding Life”

Easter builds a new future. It’s a future based on what God has done in the past. Nothing can stop the future God is making. It might feel slow in coming. But God is not impatient: God works his restoring, life giving works over decades, even centuries. Easter fulfills God’s promise to rebuild all of life. That is, God has come to rebuild people, rebuild families, rebuild marriages, rebuild economies, rebuild communities, rebuild dreams, rebuild relationships, and rebuild faith. This series uses words prefixed with “Re”: rebuild, restore, recharge etc. (Re = to start over, do over.) Just as God resurrected Jesus’ body, God has come to rebuild all the fallen world. These seven messages will explore how the God of mighty deeds in the past works in the present powerfully to remake the future, for all the people and all the world.

Sneak Peek

7 weeks


PENTACOST PART 1: “Make Your Life a Mission”

Just as Jesus was sent on a mission, so he sends us. As the Father sent me, so I send you. Every follower of Jesus needs to see herself or himself as a missionary. If you’re taking up space on earth, are still breathing in H2O, are baptized and anointed in the Spirit – there is a reason. You have a mission. There is no such thing as a follower of Jesus who has no mission. If we accept this view as the truth for every person of faith, then each of us must aim our resources, gifts, talents, money, health, life experience, and also our hurts at our God-given life missions. Every congregation worth its ‘salt of the earth’ identity will be a mission station for Christ, with the mission field right outside their doors. This series challenges the church and its members to live a missional life boldly. There are extensive notes!

Sneak Peek

7 weeks


PENTACOST PART 2: “Gifts to Renew Your Relationships”

The most important resource we have in life is our relationships. Whatever our accomplishments in life may be, our relationships count for much more. So it’s very important to lift our relationships to the top of our priority lists – to make a decision to invest in people – to make building up our relationships the ongoing great goal in life, day after day, month after month, year after year. St. Paul taught that three things will last into eternity: faith, hope and love. He concluded that passage with this claim: and the greatest of these is love. In this series, we will look at five gifts to renew your primary relationship at home, among friends, at work, and at church. They are these: 1) Acceptance 2) Rest 3) Listening 4) Humility and 5) Spirituality.
These five gifts are graces God offers. We’ll look at each gift and how to open it. Lots of notes!

Sneak Peek

5 weeks


PENTACOST PART 3: “Meeting Jesus: Five Faces of Christ”

This series is meant to introduce Jesus in fresh ways by exploring five faces he presents the world in the Gospels, with Matthew serving as the launch site. The goal of these messages is to bring the listener into a deeper appreciation of the awesome promises offered the world and everyone in it through Jesus of Nazareth, God’s Messiah. The messages will proclaim the universal Lordship of Jesus Christ. Hopefully, many listeners who already know Jesus well will receive new and deeper insights into the gift he is – for them personally, for church, for community, and for world. Others, who are meeting Jesus for the first time or are moving from a superficial acquaintance with Jesus to a deeper relationship, will get a real introduction to him. Everyone’s image of the Lord will be stretched by the fullness of all he is for all peoples and ages. This series would be enhanced if you find images of ‘the face of Christ’ in art online, a new one to match each week’s theme, for bulletin and/or PowerPoint.

Sneak Peek

5 weeks 


PENTACOST FALL SERIES: “Way of the Church”

What is a healthy church? The theme for the fall season of Pentecost is “The Way of the Church.” The focus of these messages will be on opening people up for a deeper understanding of the mission and the vision of God within the life of a healthy congregation. A great resource would be the book The Way of Ascension (available in the book section of this website); the first six messages explore the meaning living a missional life as church and as disciples. The last two messages speak to how this mission shapes the vision of the congregation for the future. The notes are plentiful! Instead of having just a Rally Day, why not make the whole fall a rally season?!

Sneak Peek

8 weeks
